Song rating
Song rating

Two examples would be "Sweet Dreams" or "Tom Traubert's Blues" because while being genre pieces they excel as songs beyond their genre and defy classification.Ĥ stars: A catchy song that is well produced but remains great only within it's genre. I try and rate songs as such:ĥ stars: The song is catchy, well produced and excels beyond it's genre. I find the rating system to always be very important as I try and keep a very tight library.

song rating

Maybe in a few years all my songs will be somewhat correctly rated. Two freeware apps that let me get and put the rating for the current playing song. To help me work my way through rating all the songs i use a quicksilver - GrowlTunes combo. These have -certified 0- in the comment field.

  • 0 stars - certified: Definitely not worth listening to (but i can't get it over my heart to delete any.).
  • I work my way through this list now and then.
  • 0 stars - check: Songs i hear in party shuffle i really don't want to hear, due to bad rating, or wrong genre.
  • Some are, some need the rating to be changed.
  • 1 star: listenable, the majority of my library, as this is the default rating i gave all the songs.
  • 4 stars: very good, not good enough for 5 stars, but definitely worth listening to a few times.
  • song rating

    5 stars: excellent, very few songs get this rating though.I use smart playlists to give me the songs (read genres) i want in party shuffle. I tend to listen to lots of different styles so i rate the song in-genre. I like everything in my library at least enough to hear it once in a while - why else would I keep it?Ībout a month ago i started using the rating system for real. If your one star songs are basically things you hate, then you've reduced this to a 4 star system. It doesn't make sense to me to have 1 star be for "marked for deletion" - I just delete it if I dislike it that much. BUT, unlike some of you, I will listen to it if itunes happens to shuffle it on. It was probably a 2 or 3 when I got it and now I don't like it much anymore. It's fine in the background, but if I'm really listening, I'll probably change it.ġ star: A song I rarely listen to. I don't mind listening to it, but only once in a while. I'd forgotten about that one."Ģ stars: Probably a filler track from an album that I have all of. If I haven't heard it in a while I'll probably listen to it and say, "hmm, nice. Still great, but it doesn't give me goosebumps to hear it.ģ stars: A pretty good song. I can listen to it again and again, and it's awesome every time I hear it.Ĥ stars: One of my favorite songs at one time, but it's fallen out of favor a little. My system is not at all scientific like some of yours!ĥ stars: A classic. Hope this helps, or at least is worth a laugh. Zero: boycott the company who signed the band on Two: interesting, maybe a friend will like it, but not a personal keeper Three: buy the single/download to keep, or the CD with the song if really good

    song rating

    Or alternatively, you can use the "concert" rating system:įive: go to the band's concert - I just have to! Zero stars: this horrible grouping of bits and bytes that dares to call itself a song will be immediately expelled from my hard drive, secure deleted from the trash, and I will poke my eardrums out if I ever have to listen to it again, or ever hear the name of the group, or their record company, or anyone even remotely related to them, mentioned in public within range of my hearing.

    song rating

    One star: in the trash before the song is over Two stars: hear it once, share with a friend who likes that kind of stuff, then delete Three stars: a song with a catchy bridge/chorus/lyrics, a repeat listener, but not all that Five stars: love the song to pieces, would be willing to listen to a repeat playlist of nothing but this song for an arbitrary length of timeįour stars: a five song that i've listened to too long or a song that has one bothersome part but the rest is awesome

    Song rating